Monday, September 14, 2009

Stefan! Hello Hotness!

K, so the Vampire Diaries...a little bit lame, but you know what? not lamespice enough to make me NOT WATCH!

Reason for watching BELOW:

And hello hotness...and unfortunately...HIGH SCHOOL!

I don't think it's just me when I say this has to be the sexiest!!!!

Apparently, you haven't been hiding the hotness, we just umm...failed to notice!

What an Epic Fail of us! *slaps wrist* Bad MAN MEAT EXPERTS!

You wanna punish us Paul?

Why all the clothes? Pull an Eric Northman and STRIP!

Hey Stefan! or Paul! or whatever the heck! ..You bes hotness wanna make like high school and make out? This is the CW afterall!
You have the hottest "just face" pictures EVER! Can we please see more!

Shirtless!!! FINALLY!

Where was I when this show was on? Under a rock apparently! Hotness!!!!

Wonder what network your show is on? Um...whatever when I'm not looking at you the CW logo is attacking me!!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!


Hello, my name is Edward Cullen, I mean Robert Pattinson, I mean Paul Wesley, I mean Stefan Salvatore!
Just like Rob he believes plaid is rad! I have to disagree, but if anyone can pull it off it's you oh mighty HOTNESS!

So, I was sayin Elena is not blonde...I don't care what the books say, and no I don't have a Stoli Vodka shirt! Sorry!

You bes hotness! Awesomespice!
I will so continue watching Vampire Diaries because of you...



  1. he is WAY HOTTER than robert pattinson!!! OMJ!!! he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooUNBELIEABLY HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Definetally WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY HOTTER than Robert Patinson or however you spell his name lol. I am overly OBSESSED with Vampire Diaries and with Paul Wesley AKA Stefan Salvatore!!! <3<3<3<3

    Paul is definitely extremely sexy, just saying!
