Ummm....what? I was staring at your pictures, and all coherent thought suddenly escaped my brain! Oh yeah! Tonight, we dine in HOTNESS!
Gerard Butler, you juicy hunk o' man meat, your sexy Dracula-ness can come bite me anytime! I'm yours for eternity!
Are all Scottish men as hot as you? And if so, can you start giving me email addresses, phone numbers, IMs, etc...? Please? I'm not asking for much! It's not like we have much to go on over here in the USA. Really. Trust me. I've looked. Maybe what they are lacking is your sexy accent and...well, yeah, the accent pretty much covers it.

Do I need to get started on how many times I've watched "P.S. I Love You" and wondered if perhaps I'll meet my future hunkariffic hubby while walking through an Irish park?? Granted, in my head, we live a long and happy life (meaning no tragic illnesses allowed) and he sings his sweet little Irish songs to me all the time (yes, I am aware that you're really Scottish, btw).

Gerry, call me!
I'm OUT!
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