Why do all men look so good wet? And why can't I find one!
Also, why do black and white pictures emphasize the muscleage?

Umm..hi methinks the ocean does a body good!

Umm okay...why do you and Ryan Gosling insist on tasting your shirts? Do shirts taste good to hot men? I confused!
All I can say is ....hot hot hot...
Yes, ladies he is one of ours...born and bred in the most American sounding town I could imagine! Stillwater, Oklahoma...yes! We finally got one that's not from Canada!
This 36 year old and looks 25 year old is married though...but we care not, because we get to lookie and maybe if we are lucky some day...well you know!
Marriages break up all the time...where is Sienna Miller when you need her? Break up the marriage of someone we want to date and leave Balthazar alone! Ya marriage ruining skank
He is so sexy! :)